The way the IDSS digital security log works is by our company providing an Android or iOS smart device on which a multimedia mobile package is activated as well as a digital security log.
The installed software system connects to a webpage interface where all the documents that might be needed while on duty are available. Within the system – if required – different levels of access can be set. Line managers, for example, are able to set certain tasks through the system and they are also able to see all relevant activities, all in real time. Different audio files, photos with time markers or any other types of file can be attached to the documentation while the GPS coordinates are automatically attached.
The digital security log replaces paper based documentation and raises the standard of activities carried out by the security services.
More information is available regarding smart security and the digital log on István Kincs’ blog.
Advantages of the system:
- information, records are instantly sent to the appropriate managers
- the cost of paper based documentation is reduced/removed
- security activities can be monitored remotely
- finding a given report is made easier (individual records can be labelled)
- real time synchronisation and higher security provided by a better transparency
- the system converts considerably more information than traditional methods (audio, video, geolocation, etc.)
- remote delegating of tasks
- sophistication