Camera system audit




Remote surveillance

Mi akkor is védjük értékeit, ha Ön távol van: riasztórendszere jelzése esetén a távfelügyeleti diszpécser haladéktalanul intézkedik!


Event security services

Örömmel gondoskodunk rendezvényének biztonságos, zavartalan lebonyolításáról.


Intelligent camera systems

Váltson velünk intelligens, azonnali beavatkozásra képes  újgenerációs kamera rendszerekre!


Intelligent Digital Security System


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We are proud that most of our managers speak English, which makes us stand out among most of our competitors in the safeguarding market. Please feel free to contact us! Engli...

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Fresh News

We entered into a new contract with Dai Dong A. Kft
20 Jul

We entered into a new contract with Dai Dong A. Kft

We will perform the manned guarding of the object of Dai Dong A. Kft. From July 22. Our client trades in perfumes, chemicals and confectionery. By continuously monitoring customer needs, they provide the right ...
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We began security supervision of two construction sites in July
1 Jul

We began security supervision of two construction sites in July

We have fixed-term contracts with two construction companies. We provide manned guarding at the renovation of the BVSC volleyball hall and the construction of a kindergarten in Kiskőrös. The main field of a...
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We performed another cold mist disinfection last week
4 Jun

We performed another cold mist disinfection last week

Cold fog disinfection was performed in the offices of VGD Hungary Kft. In an area of 580 sqm. VGD's Hungarian team provides integrated consulting services in the areas of accounting, tax consulting, auditing, p...
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További hírek

What our client say

"The employees of Őrmester Nyrt. fulfill their duties with utmost care."
Jenő Márky
"Choose the best or nothing!"
András Juhász


Headquarter: 1142 Budapest,Ógyalla square 8-9.

Tel.: +36 1 368 2002